
An important scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy.


There are thousands of natural compounds that have been studied with demonstrable anti-cancer activity (check out over 600 on our cancer research database), but only a small subset of these have been proven to target and kill the cancer stem cells which lie at the root of cancer malignancy. Turmeric, for instance, we have featured a number of times for this "smart kill" property of targeting just the heart of cancerous tumors. More recently, ginger has been found in pre-clinical research to contain a compound up to 10,000 times more effective than the chemotherapy drug Taxol at killing breast cancer stem cells. Even common food like blueberry have special cancer killing properties, as discussed in a previous article: Research: Radiotherapy Causes Cancer, Blueberry Kills It.

已經研究了數千種具有明顯抗癌活性的天然化合物(在我們的癌症研究數據庫中查看了600多種),但是僅其中一小部分被證明可靶向並殺死位於癌細胞表面的癌症幹細胞。 惡性腫瘤的根源。 以薑黃為例,我們多次針對這種“智能殺滅”特性(僅針對癌性腫瘤的心臟)進行了研究。 最近,在臨床前研究中發現姜在殺死乳腺癌幹細胞方面所含的化合物的功效比化學療法紫杉醇高出10,000倍。 正如上一篇文章中所討論的,甚至像藍莓這樣的普通食品也具有特殊的殺癌特性:研究:放射療法可致癌,藍莓可殺死癌症。

A powerful study published in the journal Anticancer Research titled, "Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells," has made our job much easier of identifying this special category of cancer killers by reviewing the extant literature on the topic and listing the top 25 substances in this category. They are listed here below, along with some of their commonly recognizable dietary sources:

一項強大的研究發表在《抗癌研究》雜誌上,標題為“靶向癌症幹細胞的天然產物”,通過審查有關該主題的現有文獻並列出了該領域中的前25種物質,使我們的工作變得容易得多,從而可以識別這種特殊的癌症殺手。這個類別。 它們在下面列出,以及一些通常可以識別的飲食來源:

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) - Green Tea

6-Gingerol - Ginger

β-Carotene - Carrot, Leafy Greens

Baicalein - Chinese Skullcap

Curcumin - Turmeric

Cyclopamine - Corn Lilly [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]

Delphinidin - Blueberry, raspberrry

Flavonoids (Genistein) - Soy, red clover, coffee

Gossypol - Cottonseed [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]

Guggulsterone - Commiphora (myrrh tree)

Isothiocyanates - Cruciferous vegetables

Linalool - Mint

Lycopene - Grapefruit, tomato

Parthenolide - Feverfew

Perylill alcohol - Mint, cherry, lavender

Piperine - Black pepper

Platycodon saponin - Platycodon grandiflorum

Psoralidin - Psoralea corylilyfolia

Quercetin - Capers, onion

Resveratrol - Grapes, plums, berries

Salinomycin - Streptomyces albus

Silibinin - Milk Thistle

Ursolic acid - Thyme, basil, oregano

Vitamin D3 - Fish, egg yolk, beef, cod liver oil

Withaferin A - Withania somnifera (ashwaganda)






Cyclopamine-Corn Lilly [我們不建議食用這種植物;這僅說明存在殺死癌症幹細胞的天然成分]



















Why are these substances so important?

The primary reason why conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy have failed to produce any significant improvements in cancer survival rates is because cancer stem cells are resistant to these interventions. In fact, chemotherapy and especially radiation are both capable of increasing the number and virulence of these cells in a tumor, while at the same time having the well known side effect of further damaging the patient's immune system.


常規化學療法和放射療法未能在癌症存活率方面產生任何顯著改善的主要原因是因為癌症幹細胞對這些干預措施具有抵抗力。 實際上,化學療法,尤其是放射療法都能夠增加腫瘤中這些細胞的數量和毒性,同時具有眾所周知的進一步損害患者免疫系統的副作用。

While the cancer industry is still very much resistant to incorporating the implications of these findings into their standard of care (which is highly unethical), there are an increasing number of health practitioners that will not turn their back on the truth and are very much interested in alternative ways to prevent and treat cancer using food and/or plant-based approaches.

儘管癌症行業仍然非常反對將這些發現的含義納入他們的護理標準(這是非常不道德的),但是越來越多的醫療從業者不願放棄事實,並且對此非常感興趣。 以食物和/或植物為基礎的方法來預防和治療癌症。

The new study addresses the relevance of cancer stem cells as follows:

"The cancer stem cell model suggests that tumor initiation is governed by a small subset of distinct cells with stem-like character termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs possess properties of self-renewal and intrinsic survival mechanisms that contribute to resistance of tumors to most chemotherapeutic drugs. The failure to eradicate CSCs during the course of therapy is postulated to be the driving force for tumor recurrence and metastasis. Recent studies have focused on understanding the unique phenotypic properties of CSCs from various tumor types, as well as the signaling pathways that underlie self-renewal and drug resistance."


“癌症幹細胞模型表明,腫瘤的發生是由一小部分不同的具有乾樣特徵的細胞(稱為癌症幹細胞(CSC))控制的。CSC具有自我更新的特性和內在的生存機制,有助於腫瘤抵抗。 大多數化學治療藥物。在治療過程中未能根除CSCs被認為是腫瘤復發和轉移的驅動力。最近的研究集中在了解各種腫瘤類型的CSCs獨特的表型特性以及信號通路 是自我更新和耐藥的基礎。”

At present, the cancer industry has failed to produce a single drug that targets the cancer stem cell population of cells within a tumor, as confirmed by the study:

"If indeed the CSC response is a vital criterion for cancer treatment evaluation, there are still no drugs in clinical use that specifically target CSCs."

The ability to selectively target cancer cells, and cancer stem cells in particular, while leaving intact the non-tumor cells in tissue is extremely important. We have created a section on our database that indexes research on these substances and now includes sixty seven of them here. We are also building a section that collates research cancer stem cells, a topic will no doubt become a central part of the future of cancer treatment, assuming the priority is to actually alleviate suffering and not just make money off of patients.



選擇性靶向癌細胞,特別是癌症幹細胞,同時在組織中保持完整的非腫瘤細胞的能力非常重要。 我們在數據庫中創建了一個部分,用於對這些物質的研究進行索引,現在其中包括67種。 我們還建立了一個部門,負責研究癌症幹細胞,毫無疑問,這個主題將成為癌症治療未來的核心部分,前提是優先考慮的是實際減輕痛苦,而不僅僅是從患者身上賺錢。


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